window.Givebutter=window.Givebutter||function(){(Givebutter.q=Givebutter.q||[]).push(arguments)};Givebutter.l=+new Date; window.Givebutter('setOptions', { "accountId": "Vhi92Pq7sj434tCo" }); async src="" >
Jun 3, 2015

Street Cleanup - Huntington Beach (Main/Garfield)

D2O Street Cleanup - 5 mins - This trash will not Drain to the Ocean, but tons more will. Will you do a street cleanup in your neighborhood?

D2O Street Cleanup - 5 mins - This trash will not Drain to the Ocean, but tons more will. Will you do a street cleanup in your neighborhood? Tag #drainstoocean when complete and you might win a cool prize...#streetcleanup#beachcleanup#cleanstreets#cleanbeach#cleanocean
