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We are working to create a movement.

Our vision is to create a movement where local citizens organize neighborhood cleanups, promote environmental education through community discourse, and are empowered to be neighborhood leaders.

Our Programs.

A movement where local citizens organize neighborhood cleanups, and promote environmental education.

Get involved in cleaning up the environment with a corporate cleanup day for your school or business.

Saltwater is an Artshow featuring surf inspired artists and photographers, benefiting Drains to Ocean on World Oceans Day.

We organize networks of active volunteers to participate in mountain, street, and beach cleanups. Do you know of a spot that needs to be cleaned up? Let us know.

The Recycle Your Butts Program aims to raise awareness about the environmental impact of cigarette butt litter on our streets, beaches, in our rivers and oceans.

Drains to Ocean Education Program focuses o raising awareness of water pollution on our beaches, streets, and throughout our waterways.

Let's make a difference.
We need your help!