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Jun 14, 2016

D2O 3R Challenge - Reduce, Reuse & Recycle with Drains to Ocean

The volunteers at Drains to Ocean came up with an interesting new D2O 3R Challenge to help encourage the public to start thinking forward when they purchase products to heighten their awareness.

The volunteers at Drains to Ocean came up with an interesting new D2O 3R Challenge to help encourage the public to start thinking forward when they purchase products to heighten their awareness. The D2O 3R Challenge asks that people take a pledge to do four, simple tasks every day.

1. Reduce: Use Less One-Time-Use Plastics
By acknowledging one-time-use plastics on a daily basis, we kick start our goal: to reduce unnecessary plastic litter in our landfills, streets, and waterways. Together, we'll prevent these toxic one-time-use plastics from draining into the ocean. #D2OREDUCE

2. Reuse: Stop Buying Plastic Water Bottles
Americans alone used approximately 50 billion plastic water bottles annually. This plastic leaches toxins into the water, into your body, and into our waterways polluting them all. Plus, you can save tons of money by purchasing a reusable water bottle and drinking your own water from home. Using a glass or stainless steel reusable water bottle is better for your health, your wallet, and the environment. #D20REUSE

3. Recycle: Pick up One Piece of Trash Per Day
How many times do we see trash on the ground and just walk on by? Just think: if 300,000,000 US citizens did this challenge everyday, that would equal 109,000,500,000 pieces of trash picked up in one year. Sadly, we would all still see trash on our streets, but just think of what an impact it would make on the environment. It all starts with one person picking up just one piece of trash per day. #D2ORECYLE

4. Share the image below and daily examples of your D2O 3R Challenge pledges on your social media platforms with: @drainstoocean & #D2O3RCHALLENGE

Additional hashtags:

Are you ready to take the D2O 3R Challenge? Be part of the solution, not the pollution!

Drains to Ocean is a grass roots, non-profit organization with a mission to keep pollution from flowing into our rivers, lakes, and oceans. We believe that every drain matters. Our goal is to create awareness by educating the public and empowering local networks of active volunteers to participate in worldwide street cleanups.

Protecting the Ocean, One Drain at a Time
